


Froylan Gutierrez, now known as Froy, is an American actor, model, and musician. The artist was born in Dallas, Texas, but spent the next few years of his life in Mexico. 


From his earliest childhood, the boy showed a great desire for acting. After some time, the whole family moved back to America, where they live to this day. The willingness to act did not subside over time, but Froy decided to go to Booker T. Washington High School of Performing Arts and Visual Arts. The training went well for the boy, and after a while, he began to play. In 2015, a serious attitude to his craft allowed him to start showing a solid result quickly, and at one of these performances, his talent was noticed by an agent. 

The audition for the guy was successful, but after a while, Froy began to appear in commercials and promotions of international brands, but he knew that he was capable of much more. The desire for more could help him move on, but in a short time, he was able to play in several plays, including the well-known "Little Women" and "Matchmaker". Froy liked such performances, and he realized that he was going in the right direction. Subsequently, several more promotional offers and plays followed. It was a very successful start for the young actor. In late 2015, Froy was able to play a role in the comedy series "Bella and the Bulldogs". Although he only stayed for a couple of episodes, appearing on TV series meant that he could stay here longer, and it happened later. 

After he was noticed in "Bella and the Bulldogs" there were other proposals. For example, he got a role in the series "The Goldbergs" in 2016. The part in the short film "Halloween Party" and the family film "A Cowgirl's Story" followed in 2017. These roles helped Froy get on the radar of the producer of the popular project "Teen Wolf" in which he would later get a role that will bring him great popularity. Despite the fact that Froy joined the series in its sixth season, he was able to attract the attention of many viewers. 

Although he enjoyed his acting career, he knew he could do more, as he had another craving for music. His usual craving for music eventually forced him to act, and he began making covers of popular songs. The covers turned out so well, and he realized that it might be worthwhile to start making your own music. In 2018, he released his first single, "Sideswipe," making it clear that he is not only an actor but also a good musician. As in the case of the performances, which made it clear to him how much he loves acting, the release of the single made it clear that he did not want to stop there. Just a year later, Froy released 3 more singles, such as "Fix Me", "Crash," and "When It's Midnight". Although his music career was only at the beginning of his career, he managed to gather a lot of subscribers on social networks, which makes it clear that his music career will grow steadily. He is currently actively developing both his music and acting careers. In 2020, he was determined to develop his music more actively, to improve his singing style, and perhaps very soon, we will have his first album, which will transform the musician from a beginner to a full-fledged artist. Knowing the persistent nature of this artist, we can say with confidence that in the future, he will succeed.