


Bush is a rock band formed by current lead vocalist Gavin Rossdale and former guitarist Nigel Pulsford. Of course, this did not happen immediately after their meeting. At the time, Gavin was performing in another band called 

“Midnight” but quickly decided to leave the band. 


Gavin and Nigel met at one of Wembley Stadium’s performances. To their surprise, they were interested in the same artists and styles of music at that time. Eventually, they decided to try to perform together and formed a band called Future Primitive. Because Gavin was the vocalist and Nigel the guitarist, they knew they needed a few more people, including a bassist and a drummer, to form a full-fledged rock band. Fortunately. They quickly met a great candidate in the face of Dave Parsons (bassist) and Robin Goodridge (drummer).  

Their first full-fledged song was "Bomb,” which paved the way for signing a full-fledged contract. From now on, they were not called Future Primitive, but Bush. The launch of the first album called “Sixteen Stone” did not go as smoothly as they would have liked. The fact that the label company refused to release the album and called it unacceptable. This did both substantial moral and financial damage to the band. Due to lack of funds, they were forced to forget about their music careers for a while and take up the available job. A pleasant surprise for them was that American record label Interscope Records still agreed to release the album. This time luck was on Bush's side, and a short time later on, the rather popular song from their album called "Everything Zen" was played on American radio station KROQ-FM. For the starter group, this was a real success. 

Shortly after this event, the album gained quite a lot of popularity in America and even found itself in the top 5 albums in some rankings at the time. Only six months after the release of the album, its sales jumped. Slowly but steadily, the album is gaining popularity now not only in America but also in Canada and England. This success meant that they finally had a chance to do what each of them had long dreamed of - to release their music to the general public.  

It took almost two years to develop the second album called Razorblade Suitcase. This album was released in 1996, and immediately after its release sales were much higher than the first album in that period. This time the album became popular not only in America but also in many European countries, where it occupied high positions in the rankings. This time it took less than a year for sales to reach one million copies, which made the album platinum. Undoubtedly, for many band fans, Sixteen Stone and Razorblade Suitcase are the best albums in their career.  

Although usually the number 3 hints at good luck, in the case of the third album release, everything went a little wrong. The fact is that the third album called “The Science of Things” turned out to be more original and experimental than the previous two albums. Of course, this does not mean that The Science of Things was a failure. Like previous albums Sixteen Stone and Razorblade Suitcase, this album went platinum, but much more slowly. In the early 2000s, many bands and singers began actively experimenting with the rapidly evolving electronic music of the time. Of course, it was not a problem for many people because the music is always in motion, but for fans of the previous albums, this one was much weaker than its predecessors. However, it was the fourth album that ended the band's existence for a long time. 

Golden State - Bush's fourth studio album was an unexpected financial failure. It sold less than the previous three albums, and almost no track from the album became a coveted hit. However, for many fans, the album did not seem a failure but returned to their favorite original sound of the band. In the same year, 2002, after the album release, one of the band's founders, Nigel Pulsford, left the band to spend more time with his family. After Pulsford left the band, Bush toured again. The band members were well aware that such a drop in sales was slowly killing their creative freedom and ability to release new albums. That's why the Bush band disbanded in 2002. 

And it would seem that if the band broke up, why are we discussing it now? I think everyone knows the stories about phoenixes. Just as the phoenix is ​​reborn from the ashes, Bush reunited in 2010, 8 years after its dissolution. Both fans of the group and just fans of good rock music were happy. Of course, for so many years, each of the previous members had a different life and changed values, so many of them did not want to return to the group. They were replaced by no less talented Chris Traynor and Corey Britz. 


Their new album “The Sea of ​​Memories” entered the Billboard Top 200 immediately after its release and not just entered but immediately flew to 18th place. The song "The Sound of Winter" turned out to be the best on the whole album. They released two more albums called "Man on the Run" and "Black and White Rainbows" after that. 


To date, the band's latest album is The Kingdom, which was released in 2020. Both listeners and critics warmly received the album, and again tours, high places in the charts, and the use of songs in various media. Their persistence and unwillingness to surrender led them to such expected success. Even with a huge number of obstacles, Bush has survived and continues to amaze fans of the rock genre. Of course, you can see a change in the sound of the band, but that's how music should work. Every new single or album should offer us something new, something we will remember.  

It's a bit ironic to look at the fact that although the band was founded in England, it has always been less popular there than in America. This is most likely because in the late 90's the popularity of rock music in Europe began to decline sharply. People switched to pop and dance electronic music, which led to a rapidly growing number of DJs and pop performers. But even despite such competition, there will be real fans of rock music. Those who are not indifferent to this genre, but those who will try to develop it with all their might. Such were, are, and will be the rock band Bush.